myworldpool 31.8.08'
» click on pictures ! » |  |  |  |  |  | | now
& zen | | FISHMOON -
"Two Moon Music" : Axel
Heilhecker's neuestes " Ohne Worte-Album" ist seit April
erhältlich. Performance
Künstler Bently Spangs,
Native Indian aus Montana (Sioux) spricht dennoch 6 Worte.
» click on picture ! »
Bestellen bei : Herzbergverlag online
| Axel Manrico Heilhecker : "Music for Six-String and Tape-Echo" In Kürze erhältlich, hier mit 2 Vorab-Videos zu sehen. © Phonokultur a.m.h.
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OF SANTA FE: "Cinderellas 0f Santa Fe“ gewann letztes Jahr auf
dem Iowa
Independant Filmfestival den IIFF Award als “bester
Dokumentar-Film". Vanessa
Vassar, Regisseurin und Axel's Muse im Duo Phonoroid,
arbeitete mit
Axel Manrico Heilhecker als Co-produzent
zusammen, der auch den Soundtrack mit Phonoroid Songs und Instrumentals
» click on picture ! »
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BEAT : Nachdemdie
Band diverse Gigs im EM-Feld geliefert hat, ist die Rhythmusgruppe der
Band, Grosskopf und Baltes zurzeit mit Manuell Göttsching auf
Japan-Tour. Harald Grosskopf und Axel Heilhecker arbeiten an einem
Freistil "Jazz-Album". das aktuelle Live-Album der Band :
» click on picture ! »
Live CD bestellen bei : Herzbergverlag online
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Stefan Schneider
(RococoRot),führte Axel Heilhecker Ende Februar eine Mitternachtsmusik
zur Lichtinstallation Mischa
Kuball's an der
Passarelle - Brücke
in Luxembourg
auf. veranstaltet vom Casino
Ein paar Soundsamples...just guitar:
» click on picture ! »
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SCHMIDT muss noch weiter TV leisten, während Axel
und seine Band-Kollegen sich zum Ende der eigentlichen "Schmidt"-
Show , Oktober letzten Jahres, Fernseh-befreit haben, um nach 10 Jahren Showtime wieder mehr Raum für neue und alte musikalische Aktivitäten zu gewinnen. Listen "zur Erinnerung"
to “Spoonful“ -"Long"
» click on picture ! »
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GTRs Axel schreibt eine
Kolumne "Brettgeflüster"
im Gitarren - Magazin “GRAND
» click on picture ! »
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| Das Sunya
Beat Live-album von 2006, zugleich die erste
Veröffentlichung von Axel's Label Phonokultur. Bestellen bei Oder im
Handel. Erhältlich als CD oder Doppelvinyl.
| Hören : |
| | | | am anfang |  | | bond's off |  | | lys trois |  | | sierra
nostra |  | | landmarke 3 |  | | skies
unlimited |  | | delhi slide |  | | gamma weg |  | | voodoo
child ( Bonustrack auf Vinyl ) |  |
| | Musiker : | | | | | Axel
Manrico Heilhecker Harald Grosskopf Steve Baltes
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| | Presse :
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“Guitar solo, do you take electronica as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, through good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” Guitar solo: “I do.” “Electronica, do you take guitar solo as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” Electronica: “I do”. This marriage of styles may not bring tears to your eyes, but it will bring some sonic pleasure to your ears from the first to the seventy-sixth minute of Sunya Beat’s 2006 live compilation, Comin’ Soon. Sunya Beat has three studio releases under their belt, and this latest release compiles live tracks harvested from various festivals in Poland and Germany. The band is comprised of Axel Manrico Heilhecker on guitar and loops, Harald Grosskopf on “trashdrum” (whatever this means,programming maybe?) and drum kit, and German rave luminary Steve Baltes on keys, sequence mix, and loops. Sunya Beat plays long, electronica flavoured improv-based original jam pieces generously seasoned with some excellent guitar soloing from Heilhecker, who often sounds like David Gilmour. The utilization of electronica in an improv-based format is reminiscent of what King Crimson was doing when they “fractalized” into the four different ProjecKcts ten years ago (with the exception of Projeckt One, which had Bill Bruford on drums and was more acoustic). So what do you call Sunya Beat as a genre? Techno-jam? Improvitronica? You may not know what to call it. You may not like guitar solos, and you may not like electronica, but marry the two together and, bam, you may just like it. This marriage is evident on Lys Trois, which starts off as a slow guitar grooved flavoured with ocean sound effects that could have been fired up by Pete Sinfield on the VCS3 during Crimson’s Islands tour. After a brief trip-hop excursion, the drumming picks up with intensity from Grosskopf. The mix of electronic and heavy drums is similar to what is found on The Orb’s 1995 release, Orbus Terrarum. The heavy drumming is also found on Sierra Nostra, which showcases some hard guitar, crazy soloing, and an industrial groove. The band “breaks it down” on the up-tempo, jungle-flavoured Delhi Slide for, ladies and gentlemen, what could be the world’s first sequenced live drum loop solo from Baltes. Baltes creates a variety of sequenced drum loops and programming on these live tracks without sounding laborious. The above mentioned tracks are a good representation of the CD as a whole. Comin’ Soon offers a lot of variety and little repetition between the clear-quality live tunes. Although a compilation live CD, it nonetheless serves as a cohesive body of work and these talented guys are clearly at the top of their game. It’s an addictive CD I know I will be listening to again and again. The only area of improvement I see is for the band to release a live DVD. This I would love to adorn my DVD player with. The CD packaging is minimal, in gatefold style with no booklet and the artist, title, and catalogue number printed upside down on the CD case’s spine. The cover depicts a pastoral, outdoors countryside scene. Very pretty until you see the fire in the hills in the background. Is the title Comin’ Soon a reference to apocalypse? Until it gets here, we have Sunya Beat to enjoy. Conclusion: 8 out of 10 JIM CORCORAN
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Soon is the third album by Sunya Beat from Germany and the
was recorded live at Burg Herzberg Festival, Ricochet
Gathering Poland
and E-Live in Eindhoven during four years. This band formed
in 1996
combines trance, ambient, rock and ethnic music in a pretty
way. The band is formed by Axel Manrico Heilhecker: guitar
and loops,
Harald Grosskopf: drums, djembe and Steve Baltes: keyboards,
and loops.
The album begins with ”Am Anfang” that
after a rather
long build-up has a danceable rhythm and some slide guitar. A
mystical and jungle-like “Bond’s Off” borrows the guitar theme
from the
James Bond movies and includes psychedelic samples,
percussion and
floating synth stuff. The slower, creeping and more
small-scale “Lys
Trois” has fusion guitar and later on some psychedelic
sounds and glissando-styled guitar. The danceable, groovy
Nostra” is one of the best tracks on the album including
nice guitar
playing, very effective sequences and hallucinatory samples.
At some
point they float on a carpet of synths in a very ambient way.
In the
end there is some excellent guitar soloing that brings to mind
Hillage. The dark, slow and more ambient “Landmarke 3” is
the longest
track on the album. Another quite ambient piece is the soft,
and floating “Skies Unlimited” that is like a cross-breeding
Astralasia and Ashra. A great track! “Delhi Slade” starts in
a rather
meditative way with slide guitar and keyboard drone that are
joined by djembe and soon also the light, programmed drums.
Later on
the track gets more into the techno territory along with the
sequencers. A very nice atmosphere. The last track on the
CD, “Gamma
Ray”, is a nice number that has a bit shaky, jungle-like
beat but
otherwise it’s rather airy and even jazzy. The piano sounds
bring in
some rather positive vibes. Comin’ Soon is a pretty nice
whole and can
be recommended for those who like electronic music with
guitar in it.
| | | | sonic
BEAT: Comin' Soon (CD on Herzberg Verlags-GmbH) This CD from
2006 features 77 minutes of dynamic electronic music culled from
live performances from 2001 through 2003 at Burg Herzberg Festival, Ricochet
Gathering Poland, and E-live Eindhoven. Sunya Beat is: Axel
Manrico Heilhecker on guitar and loops, Harold Grosskopf on
drums, and Steve Baltes on keyboards and loops. Grosskopf and
Baltes have both played extensively with Manuel Gottsching in Ashra. Energy
runs very high in this music, with its pounding velocity and rollicking
delivery. The band is tight, and the tuneage is ecstatic in
scope. The guitar is hyperactive and acrobatic, generating
riffs of blinding intensity and sequences of shimmering
delicacy. Nimble-fingers achieve chords of engaging
complexity that cavort with serpentine agility. Shrill passages achieve
an astral quality, while at other times the riffs attain an elated
rock- out demeanor that is breathtaking. The
percussion is masterful, bursting with sultry rhythms of cosmic
rapture. Beats explode with dynamic disposition,
accomplishing tempos of mesmerizing appeal. Besides
providing propulsion for the tunes, the rhythms become a
living force that seeps into the subconscious and imprints
itself on the audience's genetic code, leaving a glorious lasting impression.
The keyboards establish lavish tapestries of ethereal
substance, then pepper the mix with melodious sweeps of
endearing character. Dreamy passages are created with ease,
streaming like honey and bonding the music's aspects into a
surging fluidity. The electronics are sinuous and sneaky,
lurking between notes like a supernatural force. These
compositions display acute perfection, exuding a demonstrative entertainment
factor that is superbly infectious. The elegant fusion of trance and
high energy is wondrous to behold. One of the CD's most
delightful tracks is "Bond's Off" in which the band toys and
twists with the James Bond theme, producing a dazzlingly snappy version
full of captivating beats and bewitching guitar licks.
| | | | Glitterhouse
Soon Live Diese neue CD
kommt vom Herzberg Verlag. Bei drei Live-Gigs eingefangen, zum
Teil, selbstredend, auf dem Burg Herzberg Festival, weiteres wurde
Eindhoven (E- Live) und mehr in Polen (Ricochet Gathering)aufgenommen.Axel
Manrico Heilhecker an der Gitarre – und er hat reichlich Zeit
und Strecke um flüssige schwebende Improvisationen
in den Rauch zu entlassen. Steve Baltes ist der
„Techniker“ an Keys und Effekten, er
sorgt für Drive und Schwung und ist Mittler zwischen Old
School Abfahrt
und den Tricks der Digital-Zeit. Na ja und dann Harald
Grosskopf mit
den, seit 1971 ca., an den Fingern angewachsenen Drumsticks,
mit denen
er als weitgereister kosmischer Kurier die deutsche
Elektronik-Szene mitgeprägt hat und hier die
Trommeln mit einer Lust schlägt, dass man
über manch jungen Nachwuchs nur die Stirn runzeln kann. Ja,
ist natürlich ein rückwärtsgerichtetes Speed-Meditieren hier,
ja es
wird im Info aufgefordert die Marokko-Jacken vom Speicher zu
holen und
zu entmotten, ja, auch die Pumphosen und natürlich
Wasserpfeife und
Räucherstäbchen. Aber, die alte Methode ist so verfeinert
und mit
dickem Sound angemischt, dass man sagen muss, wenn mir einer
Rau(s)ch ins Hirn blasen will, dann beweisen die Drei hier
richtigen Sinn dafür es umzusetzen. Lange Tracks, ohne
Brüche ohne
Stopps die den Flow stören, trotzdem gewürzt mit Gags und
Ideen und
unbändigem Drang nach vorn zu spielen immer weiter
und am liebsten
endlos. (ICC)
| | | | Eclipsed / Schellackgeschrei
Soon Live Sieben Jahre nach ihrer letzten Veröffentlichung,
dem Trance - Überflieger “Delhi Slide“, kommen Axel Manrico
Heilhecker, Harald Grosskopf und Steve Baltes endlich wieder
mit einem neuen Album, dessen Material zwar schon 2001 und
2004 aufgenommen wurde, und zwar zum Großteil beim Burg
Herzberg Festival und dem Ricochet Gathering in Polen, das aber, bis
auf exzessiv ausgedehnte Varianten von “Skies Unlimited“ und “Delhi
Slide“, nur mit neuen Tunes aufwartet. Da es hier vor allem auf Moods, Empfindungen
und Improvisation ankommt ist die Zeitlosigkeit des Trancerocks
von Sunya Beat garantiert. Wohlige Keyboardflächen verflechten
sich so mit Tribal Drums und gleitenden Gitarrenlicks, Technotrance
meets Dubrock, Semi-Jazz und Neo-Western Style, ausgestattet
mit viel, viel Weite und vor allem Transzendenz, die in diesem Metier
nicht mehr allzu oft anzutreffen ist. Man wird indes weiterhin von dem Trio
hören. |
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